Book Review: A Theft Most Fowl by Nicole Givens Kurtz


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This is the second book in the A Kingdom of Aves Mystery series. After reading the first, I had to read more in this incredible and unique world. I think this book could be read without having read the first book in the series. It's hard to judge since I did read both in order. I believe you'll only be missing out on some world building that is not necessary for this book's plot.

Deep Dive:

The biggest challenge with this book for me is that the main character's train of thought is sometimes confusing. Sometimes the MC jumps from one train of thought to another without resolving the first or explaining why we're going to the second. This leaves some sections feeling disjointed and confusing. Dialog can also feel awkward in places where characters can seemingly read each other's minds. A character will know another character's exact internal dialog based on a twitch of the hand, that sort of thing. These issues can be a bit immersion breaking for me, but I was still able to enjoy the story despite them.

I loved the development of the MC in this book. Aspects of the MCs past are revealed and she is becoming a more fleshed out character. I loved Galen :)

The world building in this book is fantastic! We see more of a rich and unique world. Every little detail in this world is well thought out and clever.

The mystery element in this book was much better than the previous one! I don't know if this was a result of working with already established world building or just a better mystery, but it worked well as a who-dun-it with a lot of twists and turns.